Saturday, January 13, 2007 | 11:21:00 AM

if only i could write a song..

I wrote this so-called-poem at december 29 last year... Couple days ago, I texted it to whom this poem was actually inspired by.. And somehow.. "the person-who-was-supposed-to-keep-my-text-message" showed it to his friend Dera, who's by the way pretty good at writing songs..

Guess what happened next.. He (Dera, not 'him'!=p) made a song for my stupid poem just in a flash.. and the song's turned out to be pretty good actually..

Here's what i wrote..

aku mengenalmu dengan sejuta rasa
yang menjadikanmu lebih nyata
dari sekedar mereka yang mengaku cinta

dengan berbagai rupa tawa itu selalu ada
mengiring waktu yang mengukuhkan
hari-harimu dalam genggaman jemariku

inilah masa yang kuharap bisa
menjadi beku oleh beningnya pagi
di mana kau menyapa

meski hanya sedetik kuharap kau untukku

Hmm anyway, I wish I had just a half of Dera's talent.. I always think it's pretty cool to express our feelings through songs, especially the ones we write ourselves.. What do you think??? ^_^
